Mindbody health & wellness coaching

You Can

Break Free

Free from stress, fatigue, burnout and chronic pain!

Do you feel disconnected, overwhelmed, exhausted, alone and lost?
Do your life, health and wellness feel out of your control?
Do you want to recover health, energy, balance and take back the reins?

I help swamped moms double their mental and physical energy by unblocking negative thoughts, overwhelming emotions and draining lifestyle habits, so they can rebuild a life full of joy and meaning.

add wellbeing and joy in your life
Burnout coach


Welcome, I’m Laetitia!
Congratulations on taking the first step towards more personal growth!

Reaching for help is a powerful decision that shows your courage and determination. Here I want to provide you with a welcoming and non-judgemental therapeutic space that will give you the opportunity to evolve, persevere, progress and embrace change in all safety.

A fellow chronic pain sufferer, 10 years of medical errands made me a strong believer in the mind-body connection, and addressing health and wellbeing  holistically: mind, body, spirit and soul.  I experienced first hand how feeling believed, supported and guided boosted recovery and how addressing stresses, thoughts, emotions as well as physical symptoms was essential to feeling good.

Today, as a certified Health & Wellbeing Coach in the USA and thanks to my European background as a Licensed Clinical Counselor,  I bring you the knowledge, support and structure that will empower you to reclaim your health and wellbeing.

My Services

In search for personal development and self-realisation?  Here you will find the support and structure you need to help you follow your dreams and build the personal, professional and family life you crave.

→ 5 days jumpstart / 1 or 3 months plans

Do you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Do you suffer from an autoimmune, high blood pressure or diabetes? Are you looking to better follow doctor's orders ? I can help you establish new weight loss, nutrition and fitness habits to regain vitality and physical strength!

→ 5 days jumpstart/ 1 or 3 months plans

As an European licensed counselor, I am here to help you fight inner turmoil and help you put down the burden that weighs you, transform negative thoughts and regain hope.  Learn new adaptative skills and build a resilient mindset to face any challenge.

→ 45/60 minutes consultations

My Programs

Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted? This 3-months program helps you rebuild your physical and mental health, reach work/life balance and regain energy, self-confidence and self-agency.

→ 3-months individualized program

Trained as a Pain Recovery Coach I offer an individualized 6-months program to answer the needs of people suffering from chronic pain & illness. Pain psychology, neuroplasticity, CBT and lifestyle medicine all join to help your turn down your pain dial and take back your life.

→ 6-months individualized program or 1hr consultation

holistic mindbody work

You can transform Body & Mind

Mindbody Practice


SMART goals

Fitness, Exercice & movement

Lifestyle choices

Nervous System Regulation

Thoughts - emotions - actions

Relaxation, Mindfulness

Mindset, Positive Psychology

Acceptation, adaptation

Confidence building

Brain Reprocessing

Resiliency training


So you can:

    • Free yourself from fatigue, stress and negative thoughts or habits to live in the now;
    • Regain the mental & physical energy to do the things you love;
    • Beat procrastination and overcome doubts and blockages to go after your dreams;
    • Gain clarity and save time, effort and frustration managing your health naturally to reclaim your wellbeing;
    • Appease pain flares through science-backed mindbody and behavioral healing tools to break free from the grip of pain
      …So that you feel empowered to rebuild a life filled with joy, purpose and fulfillment

You can reclaim your health and wellbeing

Health & Wellness Coaching

 The utimate goal of coaching is personal growth and Self-realisationDuring coaching sessions, the client remains the expert. Coaching allows you to overcome obstacles through the completion of SMART goals that propulse you towards your hard-to-reach life and health objectives. The client will experiment with a handful of new strategies, build new life habits that stand the test of time in order to start seeing lasting results.

Duration: 1-3-6 months transformations plans to encourage accountability, autonomy and self-efficiency.

Psychological Counselling

When concerns are heavier and create psychological distress that affect your mental and physical health, psychological counselling might be more effective.

Here you will be able to put down the weight you carry alone, in all confidentiality, and find tools on your own time to respond to your suffering and mental distress, then learn techniques to face any future difficulties.

As a clinical Psychologist (Belgian Board registered and clincial visa) trained in Cognitive-behavioural Therapies, I then wear my “expert hat” to welcome and recognise any psychological distress and teach you how to use cognitive and behavioral tools.

The goal here is to heal and reduce symptoms and get back to feeling balanced (homeostasis) and content, and to build resilience to face any future difficulty.

Sessions are solution-focused and strength-based. The therapeutic tools and techniques I inspire myself from or use during our sessions are all rooted in empirical evidence (see consultation page for more info).

I welcome consultations for:

  • Burnout
  • Anxiety
  • Conflicts
  • Stress management
  • Life changes & transitions
  • Loss & grief
  • Military life challenges
  • PTSD
  • Neurodiversity (autism, ADHD, Giftedness…)
  • Parenting support
  • Emotion regulation

In order to support progress in between sessions, some TCC exercises or homework might be shared with you at the end of the consultation.

Duration: Consultations are 45 or 60 minutes long, in visio. Consultations can be scheduled punctually, occasionally or weekly, according to your needs.


They stepped out of their comfort zone

Laetitia is really an incredible coach

“The small weekly objectives really allowed me to reach my 3 months goals. 

Laetitia is really an incredible coach all through her listening, empathy, precious advice, availability, her way of opening my eyes on some things, and her way of reacting.”

— Géraldine —

I have found my energy back, I sleep much better and I almost have no more insomnias

“My main objective was to sleep better, find my energy back, enjoy quality moments with the kids, manage a good life balance, and feel serene. These objectives seem to be met and I feel great about my first coaching experience. “

Coaching went far beyond my expectations

“I wanted some help without knowing exactly in what way. In this sense, the coaching went far beyond my expectations; it allowed me to really go towards a better, find my energy back, and retake control of my life.

Coaching allowed me to eat correctly again, to then have more energy and start doing sports again…so all beneftis for my health.”


lotus bloomed
burnout recovery

“Your trust is an honor. The seeds of change that you will sow today, you will harvest them for the rest of your life”


Where do I start?


Unsure what would benefit you most? Schedule your first free intro call! Let’s meet around a warm and comforting virtual beverage to see if and how I can best assist you. You may also fill in the form or call me directly.

Confident about what you need? Skip to step 2!


Following our discussion, I invite you to book a time for your first session or consultation. You can do that on the phone, or schedule it directly by clicking the button to my online calendar in the top header. Intake info & paperwork will be sent to you once your appointment is booked. 


Before your appointment, please make sure that your session plan / consultation that all intake paperwork and the wellness assessment have been completed on the HIPPA COMPLIANT Healthie platform, and that your first session is purchased

Your turn to see results!

Let’s set up a call to discuss what brought you here and where you are going, see if we are a good fit and perhaps set up your first appointment!